african sideneck turtle for sale

The African Sideneck Turtle (Pelusios castaneus), also known as the West African Mud Turtle, is a distinctive species of turtle native to Africa. Here are the key specifications and characteristics:

Physical Description:

  • Shell (Carapace):

    • Color: Brown to dark brown, sometimes with a slight olive tint.

    • Shape: Oval, moderately domed, and smooth. The shell is often streamlined.

    • Length: Typically 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) in adults.


  • Plastron (Underside of Shell):

    • Color: Yellowish or cream with dark markings along the seams.

    • Unique Feature: Unlike most turtles, they can't retract their heads directly into their shells. Instead, they tuck their heads to the side, hence the name "Sideneck."


  • Skin:

    • Color: Generally dark gray to brown, with lighter underparts.

    • Head: Elongated with a pair of distinct barbels (small fleshy projections) under the chin.



African sideneck turtle for sale



  • Activity: Diurnal (active during the day) but can also be active during the cooler parts of the night.

  • Aquatic vs. Terrestrial: Primarily aquatic but will come onto land to bask and lay eggs.

  • Diet: Omnivorous; diet includes aquatic plants, insects, small fish, crustaceans, and worms.




  • Natural Range: Found in a variety of aquatic environments across West and Central Africa, including slow-moving rivers, ponds, swamps, and marshes.

  • Water Conditions: Prefers slow-moving, shallow waters with soft, muddy bottoms and abundant vegetation.




  • In the Wild: Typically 25 to 30 years.

  • In Captivity: Can live up to 50 years with proper care.


Temperature Requirements (in Captivity):


  • Water Temperature: Ideally between 75-82°F (24-28°C).

  • Basking Temperature: 90-95°F (32-35°C) under a heat lamp.

  • Air Temperature: Should be around 80-85°F (27-29°C).




  • Breeding Season: Generally during the rainy season in their native habitat.

  • Nesting: Females lay 6-10 eggs in a nest dug on land, usually near water.

  • Incubation: Eggs hatch in about 90-120 days, depending on temperature and humidity.


Conservation Status:


  • IUCN Status: Not currently listed as endangered, but habitat destruction and collection for the pet trade could pose threats to some populations.


Care Requirements (in Captivity):


  • Aquarium Size: Minimum of 50 gallons for a single adult, with a depth of at least 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) of water.

  • Filtration: A strong filtration system is essential to keep the water clean.

  • Diet: A varied diet of commercial turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasional protein sources like insects, fish, or worms.

  • UVB Lighting: Necessary for proper calcium metabolism and overall health.

  • Basking Area: Provide a dry area with access to heat and UVB light for basking.


Interesting Facts:


  • Sideneck Feature: Their unique method of retracting their head sideways is a defensive adaptation, different from most turtles.

  • Adaptability: They are highly adaptable and can survive in various aquatic environments, including brackish water.

  • Long-Term Pet: Due to their long lifespan, owning an African Sideneck Turtle is a significant commitment.




  • Behavior Towards Humans: Generally docile, but can be shy and may retreat when handled.

  • Interaction with Other Turtles: Can be kept with other turtles of similar size, but care should be taken to monitor for any aggressive behavior.


African Sideneck Turtles are unique and hardy, making them popular in the pet trade. However, they require proper care, a suitable environment, and a long-term commitment.

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